This morning I went for my normal morning journey on the 141 from Penicuik to Dalkeith, so imagine my surprise as myself and another person at the bus stop watched the bus approach then wizz straight by despite the customary arm waving to alert the driver to someone wanting on. Instead of waiting for 30 mins on the next one, which who knows may or may not have turned up or indeed stopped - who knows with Firstbus I jumped on a 47 to Cameron Toll then got a 3 out to Dalkeith and arrived later than normal obviously but quicker than if I'd waited, albeit having had to pay a second fare.
Up until today I've not had too many problems with First, despite the uncomfortable and knackered old buses they stick on the 141, the mostly miserable drivers and lets drive lets loonies to get to the next bus stop so we are early and have to stop and wait time......
Fingers crossed for the journey home ...